Sunday, April 8, 2012

February 2012

My Crazy bunch of kids. I love when we get extra time together...and so do all of you! I got yo ALL ready for school this morning and I had to take a picture of all of you ready to go before 7:30. WOWZA! I don't think I could do that every day.

We made Valentine Hearts to hang by the fireplace. (which Brian set on flames the next day...not paying attention)

We went to Idaho for Presidents Day weekend. We has SO much fun at Blast Off, and hanging out with cousins. It was the first trip with NO was SO fun!

Brian surprised me with a nice little overnighter to Downata Hot Sprigs. It was so muh fun and much needed. I feel SO blessed to have him and for how special he makes every day moments.  He is WonDErfUL!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE going hiking with my kiddlets. We are SO blessed to live blocks away from the mountains. It is so beautiful, and fun. We love to climb up and watch the sun set. I am SO grateful to share what my daddy shared with me, with my kids.

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