Monday, January 18, 2010


We are so lucky that we were able to trade Saturdays, (with my kids dad) so the kids could have some time each week together. During the school year it's hit and miss with some of the they only get to really see eachother when we have a special occasion. So we are SO grateful that now we will have MORE time all together.
I am grateful for the love I feel when we have both sets individually and all together. This past Saturday we talked about goals, and taught the kids what a goal was and how you make one. They all set goals...which included "learning about snakes, learning my letters, reading better, saying prayers by myself at night, earning a webkinz." They all impressed me with what they wanted to do better at, and what they wanted to learn. Then we went and played at McDonalds... they played for hours, and had so much fun together. :O)


  1. hey will you e-mail me your address. thanks

  2. Oh I am so glad you will have them together more often! That is awesome!

  3. I'm so happy you were able to arrange it! They are a stinking cute group of kiddos. you may be starting over at 1 but you seriously pulled ahead in the number of kids! :) Speaking of - I need a new picture of your new expanded family! :) the one on my fridge is SERIOUSLY outdated. I LOVE LOVE ya!

  4. they are so adorable. I really need you to e-mail me a family pic of all of you (I really like the ones bon took in Iona.) I need an updated family photo for my fridge. I love you, and I miss you! Hope to see you soon!!!

  5. You look so, so cute! I love the the v-day hearts, and all of the fun you had! CRISPY CREAM'S, YUMMY!!!!! I'M HUNGRY!!!!
